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Pursuit of environmental protection , carbon reduction , high-efficiency PET film.

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Developed in pursuit of environmental friendliness and high performance, RESHINE™ uses up to +80% GRS-certified carefully selected recycled raw materials and 100% physical recycling methods to achieve high-performance rPET films with performance equivalent to petroleum-derived products.  

RESHINE™ inherits the TOYOBO seriesIt has the advantages of unique surface treatment technology and performance developed by Toyofang. to achieve environmental protection,carbon reduction,The advantages of high performance are well received by Europe and the United States, the East Asian market and itsGood reviews from international companies.


RESHINE™ because of Equipped with rPETfilmexcellent physical properties andPhysical properties such as light transmittance and strength equivalent to petroleum-derived products.Apply to labels, billboards, etc..

RESHINE® uses more than 80% GRS Certified rPET materials, which significanntly reduce Carbon Emission

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<​ Products certified by the Japan PET Container Recycling Promotion Association >

RESHINE® obtained the UL ECVP 2809 certification as of September 2023,
(UL Environmental Claim Validation Procedure,)


Sustinable Material

Carbon Neutral 

Mechanical recycling procedure to form high quality rPET raw materials that produce


 0% Chemical Pollution to Environmental 

 Contains up to  80%  Recyclable PET raw material  

PET Plastic Bottle-> RESHINE™



Reduce CO2 emissions by 24%!

( with production  Compared with general PET with the same thickness )

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Satisified UK Plastic Pact、EU Plastics PACT; which CRISPER is not subject to related plastic tax

Sustainbility, CO2 Emission Redution
start with the Materials

The Mechanical Recycling process adopted by RESHINE® along with all our rPET series are made out of 100% GRS Certified raw matierals from out top tiers Japanese recycle partners; 

Which it went undergo a series of strict recycling classification and screening processes; result with  100% rPET Film with equivalent Mechanical properties as great as Virgin PET 





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RESHINE™ vs Virgin PET

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RESHINE™ Application

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Product inquiry

For questions and information requests regarding services or products, please contact us through the following methods.

+886 (02) 2816-7600

​ "Online Inquiry" button in the lower right corner

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